You Snooze, You Lose in 2014
If we’re talking about the closure of a year, I’ll come out and say it: for me, 2013 was not my favorite year. On the good side there was some minor travel, I got a place of my own, and I taught my first full year as an adjunct professor, but on the whole it did not live up to my expectations or end on the highest of notes personally, professionally, financially, or physically. But what is it that they say? When you’re at the bottom you’ve got nowhere to go but up, which from my perspective is pure motivation. This year I learned so much about how to do things better that I have never been more hopeful to put it all into action in a new year. I am excited about the future, of which I have no idea what it could hold for me.
When it comes to a new year, making resolutions was never my thing. “Travel more,” “Lose Weight,” “Work less,” are all so generic and hollow that in and of themselves they set people up for failure. For example, a better suggestion would be to make a plan like “I want to eat a good breakfast everyday,” which will probably set you up better to lose weight and is an actionable goal.
I have a long-standing “resolution” of “Pay No ATM Fees” which went so well I keep it going. I’ve gone from spending $100 a year three years ago to only $6 in 2013. It was so simple and came down to decision-making. I no longer wanted to throw away money on something so trivial when I can plan ahead or maybe go out of my way a block or two to find an in-network ATM.
I am the world’s worst morning person and loathe the morning process. It doesn’t matter how great the day ahead will be, I am a totally different person when the alarm goes off. If offered 10 extra minutes to sleep in in exchange for murdering someone, I would strongly consider taking the deal, and it’s been this way for 30 years. That ends now. It’s a waste of time, it’s not quality sleep, and it’s hindering success.
I believe that not hitting the snooze at all will have a domino effect on my life. It will most likely change my habits on areas like breakfast, the gym, daily planning, writing, and spending. Of course this is only a theory, but I’m excited to put this plan into action.
So - what about you - how was your 2013? What’s your 2014 plan?