2011 Writing Roundup

This past year was the year that I really put pen to paper and spent a lot of time writing guest posts for a variety of blogs and sites.  It was an exercise in writing styles, research methods, link building, and developing my blogging voice.  Some pieces came naturally (anything about community management and social media) and others were tough, but rewarding. I'm thankful and honored that all of these blogs allowed me to guest post on their site, and look forward to writing more in 2012 (and sharing it more frequently than once a year).  

Here is the Truth Behind the Troop Withdrawal in Iraq - BusinessInsider.com (not my name, but I did write it ;) 
Ribbons 101:  Breakdown of Awareness Symbols - Uloop.com
Drawing Down Troops from Iraq [INFOGRAPHIC] - Uloop.com
Live Life to the Fullest, Get Out and See the World - Gradeguru.com
Social Media & Relationships - Uloop.com
The 10 Best Fictional Professors  - HuffingtonPost.com
The Top 5 Countries to go Backpacking  - TheHuffingtonPost.com
When Should I Go Abroad? - Bettergrads.com
Techstars can Make You a Star - Yahoo.com (Internet Week)
Beer Diplomacy  - Yahoo.com (Internet Week)
Foursquare is the New Pulse of America - Yahoo.com (Internet Week)
Live Abroad - Life After Teaching in Korea  - AllEducationMatters.com
Social Media Etiquette  - Sisarina.com
All Graduated.  Now What?  - TroyNunesIsAnAbsoluteMagician.com
National Marquette Day 2 - The Revenge - TroyNunesIsAnAbsoluteMagician.com
Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Brackets - TroyNunesIsAnAbsoluteMagician.com
A few of my favorite articles this year: 
Inside Higher Ed Blog -- 2tor Partners With Schools to Build Community
Mashable.com - Creative Social Media Resumes
Infospace - SU Visits Foursquare 
Infospace - Cuse Grads Rock the Social Media World