Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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Twitter (tweetmyjobs) + LinkedIn - A Happy Union for Job Searchers!

Alright so I mentioned in the first blog that things are incredibly different from when I job searched 5 years ago, and at first that really was just a passing comment. Of course it's gonna be different, but it can't be THAT different? Right? Wrong.

So as you may or may not know, I've been on Twitter for nearly two years, and really haven't touched the thing until about two weeks ago. Which, in my opinion, it has really hit its stride in the past few months. I've also been using LinkedIn, which I find to be an incredible resource that I just quite haven't figured out how to use perfectly yet. I've never been one for just cold-networking people I don't have any REAL connection to, but that in and of itself is a work in progress for me. It is quite time consuming to really search out what your solid connections are, and who's connected to what.

However, today, I discovered something really, and truly fantastically helpful. I'll outline it to make it easier for you yourself to do:

1) Sign up for Twitter and LinkedIn accounts (goes without saying).
2) Get your profiles all up to date and perfect with your recent resume stuffs.
3) On Twitter, search for "Tweetmyjobs"
4) Go through the steps listed on the page, create your profile there, and select your channels for the specific jobs you're looking for.
5) It then tweets you right to your home page all of the jobs in your desired areas to apply for.
6) Tweet your resume to the "twittersphere" (you will have to forgive me with all these ridiculous words btw, I really don't ever use them in normal conversations, I promise you).

It is that easy. I've been hooked up on it now for 10 minutes and have already received 12 job related tweets and of those maybe 4 - 5 are things I'd be really interested in pursuing.

Now - that isn't entirely what I meant by the thing that I discovered that was "truly fantastically helpful." If you do not feel like being bombarded with jobs, you can just do a quick scan on the tweetmyjobs page by entering in the location you desire and the industry. A list will pop up and you can pick and choose like you would on any job board.

What you might notice is that the majority, if not all of the jobs have a tiny little blue "in" symbol next to it. Step by Step instructions of what it can do:

1) hover over this little box, it will show you the connections you have to this job
2) click on the link to expand and it will open LinkedIn with a list of these connections
3) on the left hand side, choose to simplify for 1st, 2nd, or Group connections
4) Choose one, for example your 2nd degree connections and for each new person it will show you exactly which one of your friends connects you for an introduction.

The whole process takes maybe a minute? But it has just now simplified your searching and your networking all in one. This will be my project for all of Friday, I promise you that.

Good Luck!